About the Journal

Focus and Scope
Peer Review Process
Publication Frequency
Open Access Policy
Research Data Policy
Preprint Policy
Editorial Process
Publishing Ethics
Conflict of Interest
Procedures for dealing with unethical behavior
Self-archiving Policy
OnLine First
Publication Charges
Cover Design
Ethics Statement
Journal History

Focus and Scope

The Archives of Biological Sciences is published quarterly in an open-access electronic format. The journal uses open-source software for the management of peer-reviewed academic journals, the Open Journal System created by the Public Knowledge Project and released under the GNU General Public License. Instructions for the submission using OJS are available on the following link https://openjournalsystems.com/ojs-3-user-guide/submitting-an-article/

The Archives of Biological Sciences does not charge authors an article processing charge (APC).

Submitted manuscripts should be original research articles, excluding short communications, comments, notes, technical reports, data articles, and case reports.
The Archives of Biological Sciences is a multidisciplinary journal that covers original research in subjects in life science, including biology, ecology, human biology, and biomedical research. The journal features research articles in genetics, botany, zoology, the ecology of higher and lower terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals, prokaryote biology, algology, mycology, entomology, biological systematics, evolution, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, including all aspects of normal cell functioning, from embryonic to differentiated tissues and in different pathological states, molecular physiology, chronobiology, thermal biology, cryobiology, radiobiology, neurobiology, immunology, human biology, including the molecular basis of specific human pathologies, genotyping of disease, disease management.
Subjects that fall under life sciences but do not contain sufficient interest include articles on in silico biology not supported by laboratory experiments, articles in agronomy, field research in agriculture, forestry, silviculture, soil science, technical reports containing chemical characterizations with no research into a biological explanatory mechanism, veterinary science, oral medicine, topics in food technology, descriptions of technological processes, experimental methods, solutions, instrumentation, patient case studies, short faunistic or floristic notes, checklists of limited geographical areas, description of a single new species in a genus containing many.
Unsolicited scientific review articles
A review article should critically examine published literature in a specific field as an authoritative research analysis. It should organize, evaluate, and identify patterns and trends, synthesize the literature, identify research gaps, and recommend new research areas. Before submission, the author must provide the title, a detailed reason for the review, and its contents, including section titles and a list of references. A review will only be considered if written by a verified expert with extensive knowledge based on original research in a particular subject area, backed by self-citations of research in the field reviewed. Like original research articles, unsolicited review articles will go through a peer review process, where experts will evaluate the article for its contribution, accuracy, and relevance.
Review articles must comply with the Manuscript Template, though some sections should be excluded. Submission of a scientific review article must include ITEMS I, III as required, IV, and V.
Note that sources for tables/figures must be stated in the legends. This is crucial for maintaining transparency and integrity in research. By citing the sources, authors give proper credit to the original creators, allowing readers to verify the data and assess its reliability. Clear attribution enhances the credibility of the research and aids in the reproducibility of results, enabling others to explore the original studies or datasets. Comprehensive figure legends that include source citations contribute to a more robust and trustworthy scientific discourse.

Submission of a manuscript to the editor implies that it has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract, a published lecture, or an academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written consent of the editor, that its publication has been approved by all co-authors as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institution where the work was carried out.

Peer Review Process

When a manuscript is submitted to the Archives of Biological Sciences, it undergoes a malware scan followed by prescreening by the Editor-in-Chief to determine whether the submission conforms to the journal's specifications and if the paper fits the scope of the journal. If the manuscript meets the journal’s standard for publication, the paper will undergo the review process.

The Archives of Biological Sciences conducts a single-blind peer review process. In the main review phase, the Editor-in-Chief sends the received papers to two or three experts in the field. The reviewers’ evaluation form contains a checklist to help referees cover all aspects that can decide the fate of the publication. In the final section of the evaluation form, the reviewers must include observations and suggestions for improvement that are sent to the authors, without the names of the reviewers.

All the reviewers of a paper remain anonymous to the authors and act independently before, during, and after the evaluation process. They have different affiliations, and they are not aware of each other’s identities. If the decisions of the two (or three) reviewers are not the same (accept/reject), the paper is rejected. 

Publication Frequency

The Archives of Biological Sciences is published quarterly in open-access electronic format.

Open Access Policy

Articles published in the Archives of Biological Sciences will be Open-Access articles distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which lets others distribute and copy the article; create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations, or derivative works of or from an article (such as a translation); include it in a collective work; even used for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the Author(s), provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. However, this is not allowed to be done in a way that suggests the licensor endorses the use, nor is it allowed to modify the article in such a way as to damage the Author's honor or reputation.

License CC BY-NC-ND was active by 2022, Volume 74, Issue 2. License CC BY is active from 2022, Volume 74, Issue 3. Older PDFs and articles will stay under primary license CC BY-NC-ND.
