Pulicaria petiolaris effectively attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury in mice


  • Nishat Ahmed Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, 30001
  • Naif Aljuhani Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, 30001
  • Sarah Salamah Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, 30001
  • Heba Surrati Pulmonary Research Team, College of Pharmacy, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, 30001
  • Dina S. El-Agamy 1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, 30001; 2. Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, 35516
  • Mohamed A. Elkablawy 1. Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, 30001, Saudi Arabia; 2. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Menoufia, 32511, Egypt
  • Sabrin R. M. Ibrahim 1. Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Taibah University, Al Madinah Al Munawwarah 30001, Saudi Arabia; 2. Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University, Assiut 71526, Egypt
  • Gamal A. Mohamed 1. Department of Natural Products and Alternative Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia; 2. Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Assiut Branch, Assiut 71524, Egypt


Pulicaria petiolaris, lung injury, lipopolysaccharide, antioxidant, inflammation


Paper description:

  • Acute lung injury (ALI) has a high mortality rate and no effective treatment is available. ALI is characterized by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) which is accompanied by an acute inflammatory process in the lung parenchyma and airspaces. Mechanical ventilation is the only effective therapy for ARDS. Thus, there is an urgent need to search for new therapeutics that could be used for treating ARDS.
  • The methanolic extract of Pulicaria petiolaris (PP) significantly decreased inflammation in the LPS-mediated ALI murine model.
  • PP could be employed in a significant preventive strategy for nonspecific inflammation of the lungs.

Abstract: Members of the genus Pulicaria have been used in traditional medicine for alleviating several complaints as they have a rich pool of biometabolites. Acute lung injury (ALI) is a serious disease with an elevated mortality rate. The present investigation aimed to evaluate the total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant capacity of the methanolic extract of P. petiolaris Jaub. and Spach. (PP) (Asteraceae). Moreover, the potential protective potential of PP against lipopolysaccharide-(LPS)-induced ALI was assessed. PP is a rich source of phenolics and flavonoids. The total phenolic content (TPC) was 68.05 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g dried extract, and the total flavonoid content (TFC) was 45.86 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/g dried extract. Additionally, PP possessed a promising DPPH-scavenging activity, with an IC50=27 μg/mL. Our results showed that PP lessened LPS-induced lung injury. PP effectively reduced pulmonary edema as it lowered total protein and the lung wet/dry weight (W/D) ratio in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). It also significantly ameliorated the level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the BALF and improved the histopathological lesions in the lung tissue. LPS-induced inflammatory cell infiltration was greatly depressed in PP-treated animals. PP showed antioxidant capacity as it reduced the LPS-induced increase in the lipid peroxidation marker, malondialdehyde (MDA). It also increased the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the content of reduced glutathione (GSH). This study indicates that PP significantly decreased LPS-induced inflammation in the LPS-mediated ALI murine model, suggesting that it may become a significant preventive strategy for treating nonspecific inflammation of the lungs.


Received: May 10, 2018; Revised: June 3, 2018; Accepted: June 26, 2018; Published online: July 17, 2018

How to cite this article: Ahmed N, Aljuhani N, Salamah S, Surrati H, El-Agamy DS, Elkablawy MA, Ibrahim SRM, Mohamed GA. Pulicaria petiolaris effectively attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury in mice. Arch Biol Sci. 2018;70(4):699-706.


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How to Cite

Ahmed N, Aljuhani N, Salamah S, Surrati H, El-Agamy DS, Elkablawy MA, Ibrahim SRM, Mohamed GA. Pulicaria petiolaris effectively attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury in mice. Arch Biol Sci [Internet]. 2018Dec.4 [cited 2025Mar.4];70(4):699-706. Available from: https://serbiosoc.org.rs/arch/index.php/abs/article/view/2931


