First record of Borofutus dhakanus (Boletaceae, Leccinoideae) in Thailand


  • Sutheera Thongkantha Chiang Mai University
  • Sulichet Thongklam Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
  • Wasu Pathom-aree Chiang Mai University
  • Saisamorn Lumyong Chiang Mai University
  • Boonsom Bussaban Chiang Mai University


Basidiomycete, Boletales, new record, phylogeny, taxonomy


A new record of Borofutus dhakanus Hosen & Zhu L. Yang is reported from Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand. The phylogenetic relationships of the Thai specimen were compared with those of the type species and allied genera from seven major subfamilies of Boletaceae. The trees were constructed using sequences of partial 28S rDNA combined with internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene regions. The morphological characteristics of the fungus and its edibility are also discussed. Although many boletes have been documented from Thailand, most previous records are based only on morphological characters and there is an urgent need for taxonomic revision.

Received: March 15, 2016; Revised: September 14, 2016; Accepted: November 8, 2016; Published online: December 9, 2016

How to cite: Thongkantha S, Thongklam S, Pathom-Aree W, Lumyong S, Bussaban B. First record of Borofutus dhakanus (Boletaceae, Leccinoideae) in Thailand. Arch Biol Sci. 2017;69(3):545-52.


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Author Biographies

Sutheera Thongkantha, Chiang Mai University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Sulichet Thongklam, Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)


Wasu Pathom-aree, Chiang Mai University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Saisamorn Lumyong, Chiang Mai University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Boonsom Bussaban, Chiang Mai University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science


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How to Cite

Thongkantha S, Thongklam S, Pathom-aree W, Lumyong S, Bussaban B. First record of Borofutus dhakanus (Boletaceae, Leccinoideae) in Thailand. Arch Biol Sci [Internet]. 2017Aug.11 [cited 2025Mar.14];69(3):545-52. Available from:


