Carnosol promotes endothelial differentiation under H2O2-induced oxidative stress


  • Shulin Ou Department of Cardiology, Southwest hospital, the third military medical university, Chongqing 40038
  • Jianfeng Lv Department of Cardiology, Benevolence and hospital of The three gorges university, Hubei 443001
  • Liming Peng Department of Hematology and Oncology, the ninth people’s hospital of Chongqiong, 40070
  • Jin Zhao Department of Cardiology, Southwest hospital, the third military medical university, Chongqing 40038
  • Luxiang Chi Department of Cardiology, Southwest hospital, the third military medical university, Chongqing 40038


carnosol, differentiation, endothelial cells, Nrf-2, oxidative stress, ROS


Oxidative stress causes deregulation of endothelial cell differentiation. Carnosol is a potent antioxidant and antiinflammatory compound. In the present study, we examined whether the antioxidant effect of carnosol might protect bone marrow stem cells against H2O2-induced oxidative stress and promote endothelial differentiation. We examined cell viability by the MTT assay; oxidative stress and apoptosis were analyzed through changes in ROS levels, apoptotic ratio and caspase-3 activity; changes in protein expression of OCT-4, Flk-1, CD31 and Nrf-2 were assessed by Western blot analysis. H2O2 treatment increased oxidative stress and reduced cell viability, while the stem cell marker OCT-4 and endothelial markers Flk-1, CD31 were significantly downregulated as a result of the treatment with H2O2. Treatment with carnosol improved the antioxidant status, increased OCT-4 expression and promoted endothelial differentiation. This study provides evidence that carnosol could increase the antioxidant defense mechanism and promote endothelial differentiation.

Received: March 27, 2016; Revised: June 20, 2016; Accepted: July 10, 2016; Published online: October 21, 2016

How to cite this article: Ou S, Lv J, Peng L, Zhao J, Chi L. Carnosol promotes endothelial differentiation under H2O2-induced oxidative stress. Arch Biol Sci. 2017;69(2):299-304.


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How to Cite

Ou S, Lv J, Peng L, Zhao J, Chi L. Carnosol promotes endothelial differentiation under H2O2-induced oxidative stress. Arch Biol Sci [Internet]. 2017May25 [cited 2025Feb.13];69(2):299-304. Available from:




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