Chemical composition and spasmolytic activity of Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng. (Poaceae) essential oil from Sudan


  • Ivan Pavlović Roche d.o.o., Milutina Milankovica 11a, 11070 Belgrade
  • Eihab Omar Department of Pharmacognosy, Omdurman Islamic University - Faculty of Pharmacy, P.O. Box #382, Omdurman
  • Milica Drobac University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Vojvode Stepe 450, 11221 Belgrade
  • Mirjana Radenković University of Niš - Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Bulevar Dr Zorana Đinđića 81, 18000 Niš
  • Suzana Branković University of Niš - Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Bulevar Dr Zorana Đinđića 81, 18000 Niš
  • Nada Kovačević University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Vojvode Stepe 450, 11221 Belgrade


Cymbopogon schoenanthus, essential oil composition, piperitone, spasmolytic activity


The plants of genus Cymbopogon are well known for their use in traditional medicine and for their high content of essential oils that are widely used as flavoring agents, fragrances, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Essential oils isolated from the dried stems and inflorescence of cultivated Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng. (Poaceae) collected from Khartoum state (Sudan) in two periods were studied. The results of chemical analysis of C. schoenanthus revealed that this plant is rich in essential oil which is a valuable source of the commercially important monoterpene, piperitone (47.7-71.5%). Other abundant constituents of the oils were intermedeol (6.1-17.3%), δ-2-carene (4.5-10.0%) and elemol (2.7-9.0%). The essential oil from the inflorescence was tested for spasmolytic activity using three different experimental models: against spontaneous contractions, contractions induced with acetylcholine and contractions induced with potassium chloride. The oil exhibited strong, significant and dose-dependent spasmolytic activity, indicating the possibility for further investigations of this essential oil for its medicinal purposes or application in food industry.

Received: May 6, 2016; Revised: July 6, 2016; Accepted: July 6, 2016; Published online: November 11, 2016

How to cite: Pavlović I, Omar E, Drobac M, Radenković M, Branković S, Kovačević N. Chemical composition and spasmolytic activity of Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng. (Poaceae) essential oil from Sudan. Arch Biol Sci. 2017;69(3):409-15.



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How to Cite

Pavlović I, Omar E, Drobac M, Radenković M, Branković S, Kovačević N. Chemical composition and spasmolytic activity of Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng. (Poaceae) essential oil from Sudan. Arch Biol Sci [Internet]. 2017Aug.11 [cited 2025Feb.23];69(3):409-15. Available from:




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