Association of dopamine receptor D2 -141C insertion/deletion and dopamine beta-hydroxylase 19 bp insertion/deletion polymorphisms with schizophrenia: A case-control study in the eastern Algerian population
dopamine, genetic polymorphisms, DRD2, DBH, schizophreniaAbstract
Paper description:
- The genes that encode for different proteins in the dopaminergic pathway have been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.
- Two functional genetic polymorphisms, rs1799732 of the dopamine D2 receptor gene and rs72393728 of the dopamine beta-hydroxylase gene have been investigated for their potential involvement in the susceptibility to schizophrenia in a case-control study.
- The DRD2 rs1799732 polymorphism Del allele was associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia in an Algerian cohort.
- This study provides an improved understanding of genotype and allele distributions of the DRD2 and DBH polymorphisms in the Eastern Algerian population.
Abstract: Numerous studies emphasize genetic contributions to schizophrenia, particularly focusing on genes coding for proteins in the dopaminergic pathway, which are extensively studied for their involvement in the disorder’s pathophysiology. This investigation aimed to examine the potential association between the dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) -141C insertion/deletion (rs1799732) and the dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) 19 bp insertion/deletion (rs72393728) polymorphisms with schizophrenia in an eastern Algerian population. A case-control study was conducted, involving 145 patients and 146 healthy controls. DNA samples were extracted from peripheral blood cells using the salting out technique. Genotyping for the DRD2 rs1799732 polymorphism was performed using the PCR-RFLP method, while the DBH rs72393728 polymorphism was analyzed using the PCR method. The results revealed a significant association between the DRD2 rs1799732 polymorphism and schizophrenia, evidenced by significant differences in genotypic and allelic distributions between patients and controls (P=0.001 and P=0.001, respectively). However, no statistical differences were found for the DBH rs72393728 polymorphism between patients and controls for genotype (P=0.46) or allele frequencies (P=0.73). This study supports an association between DRD2 rs1799732 polymorphism and schizophrenia in this population while finding no such association with DBH rs72393728 polymorphism. However, there may be a potential interaction between both polymorphisms.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yasmina Boukhenaf, Ouarda Sariayh Ayachi, Rayene Achou, Amina Iness Bernou, Fatima Zohra Madoui, Karima Sifi, Mohamed Larbi Rezgoun

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