Disulfiram partially improves oxidative but not androgen status in rats exposed to cadmium


  • Miloš Pavlović Department of Reproduction, Fertility and Artificial Insemination, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, University of Belgrade, Bulevar oslobođenja 18, Belgrade
  • Ana Đurić Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 450, Belgrade http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4440-9890
  • Ivana Stevanović Institute for Medical Research, Military Medical Academy, Medical Faculty MMA, University of Defense, Crnotravska 17, Belgrade
  • Aida Begić Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tuzla, Univerzitetska broj 8, Tuzla
  • Dragana Vujanović Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 450, Belgrade http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2230-8228
  • Milica Ninković Institute for Medical Research, Military Medical Academy, Medical Faculty MMA, University of Defense, Crnotravska 17, Belgrade http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3303-9916
  • Mirjana Đukić Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 450, Belgrade http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0177-1205


cadmium, disulfiram, oxidative stress, testes, rat


Paper description:

  • The effect of disulfiram (DSF) on reproductive toxicity induced by cadmium (Cd) was studied.
  • In the testes of Wistar rats, morphological, oxidative and testosterone changes were examined upon exposure to Cd and/or DSF.
  • Cd triggered oxidative stress, affected the morphology of the testes and decreased testosterone production.
  • DSF decreased the oxidative stress.
  • DSF did not change the morphology of the testes and it did not affect plasma testosterone levels. Once impaired by Cd, Leydig cells could not be reactivated by DSF.

This article has been corrected. Link to the correction 10.2298/ABS200226010E

Abstract: We investigated the effect of disulfiram (DSF) on reproductive toxicity induced by subchronic exposure to cadmium (Cd). We examined the redox status and systemic testosterone changes in the testes and plasma of Cd-treated male Wistar rats. Rats were treated with 1 mg CdCl2/kg body weight (bw)/day (intraperitoneal administration) for 42 days; in the second experimental group, rats were given 178.5 mg DSF/kg bw/day by oral gavage for 21 days; in the third group, after administration of Cd for 21 days, DSF treatment was introduced on day 22 and lasted until day 42, with continuous Cd intake. Each experimental group had a matching control: untreated rats, rats that received for 21 days olive oil, the solvent for DSF; rats that started with olive oil intake from days 22-42. Exposure of rats to DSF modulated the oxidative status in the testes; thus, coexposure increased the Cd-induced reduction in total superoxide dismutase (tSOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and total glutathione-S-transferase (tGST) activities, and lowered the Cd-increased superoxide anion radical (O2●–) and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations. DSF did not affect testosterone production diminished by Cd, as Leydig cells, once impaired by Cd, could not be reactivated by DSF.


Received: August 14, 2019; Revised: September 4, 2019; Accepted: September 4, 2019; Published online: September 9, 2019

How to cite this article: Pavlović M, Đurić A, Stevanović I, Begić A, Vujanović D, Ninković M, Đukić M. Disulfiram partially improves oxidative but not androgen status in rats exposed to cadmium. Arch Biol Sci. 2019;71(4):747-53.


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Author Biography

Miloš Pavlović, Department of Reproduction, Fertility and Artificial Insemination, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, University of Belgrade, Bulevar oslobođenja 18, Belgrade


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How to Cite

Pavlović M, Đurić A, Stevanović I, Begić A, Vujanović D, Ninković M, Đukić M. Disulfiram partially improves oxidative but not androgen status in rats exposed to cadmium. Arch Biol Sci [Internet]. 2019Dec.19 [cited 2025Feb.23];71(4):747-53. Available from: https://serbiosoc.org.rs/arch/index.php/abs/article/view/4573




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